Monday, February 15, 2010

"Border Studies": Un acercamiento

I.Según Scott Michaelson, "Border Studies is, perhaps, the most significant theoretical turn of the last decade. This 'field' lies at the border of cultural studies, ethnic studies, multicultural studies, and postmodern anthropology, and it opens onto timely questions of disciplinarity, identity, and cultural politics." Siguiendo esta línea, José Villalobos, et al., acierta "In a global society, Border Studies produces knowledge that facilitates encounters between cultures as they come together.... Regardless of where one lies with regard to the geographic or metaphoric uses of the term, Border Studies is a rich category precisely because it comprises the obvious physical borders that separate countries but also divisions of class, gender, genre, language, time, and discipline", a lo cual se debería añadir también la sexualidad como una frontera que puede desarmar a los binarios "hombre/mujer" de la "normalización" social y los límites que esta normalización impone sobre la imaginación afectiva y política.

II.One Man's Hero

III.La balada de Greorio Cortez

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